DE = Q W (units are Joules) The signs are important (and sometimes confusing!) E is the energy of the system Q is the heat transferred to the system (positive) if it is transferred from the system Q is negative (VW, S & B 4748) W is the work done by the system (positive) there are 414 words containing h and q acquight acquighting acquights anthraquinone anthraquinones aqualeather aqualeathers aquaphobe aquaphobes aquaphobia aquaphobias aquaphobic aquaphobics aquashow aquashows bequeath bequeathable bequeathal bequeathals bequeathed bequeather bequeathers bequeathing bequeathment bequeathmentsO l a q u e h a c e V 12,593 likes 2,4 talking about this Bienvenido a esta humilde página, espero te guste el contenido, deja tu like, síguenos y comparte, te lo agrádeseria mucho 3 Complete This 6 Letter Word Whatsapp Puzzle O que significa e h